about Infinite Health
I BelieveI believe as my client you play an important role in the healing process. I can assist, support and guide you but only you can heal yourself. As such we work together as a team. We find and release the underlying factors that cause your symptoms, this will help you gain insight and a better understanding of what is going on giving you then the choice of taking charge of your health again and making the changes and adjustments needed to achieve your goals in health and life.
“Symptoms invite us to reconsider our maps, revisit the terrain, revision our journeys, and reconsider our purposes. Finding that the map we have been using is no longer adequate is always disconcerting, even anxiety provoking, but it is the beginning of a process by which we come to a better map, a different terrain, a more considered life.”
– James Hollis
I believe that diagnosis can limit the potential of healing as it causes a ‘tunnel vision’ through which we tend to focus too much on treating a disease or symptom instead of a person therefore substantially reducing the possibilities of what could and should happen. We all heard of recoveries that were ‘spontaneous’ or ‘miracles’. In other words, we can’t explain it, but the healing happened. Our body is an amazing, highly intelligent system with a remarkable inborn ability to repair and heal, cleanse, self-regulate and regenerate. Given the right conditions, the body can heal itself!
Shouldn’t we make use of this incredible healing power that lies inside of everyone of us? I believe everyone deserves a happy, healthy and fulfilled life.
“Energy is the currency of all interactions. To leave energetic considerations out of the equations of life and medicine is to ignore some 99% of what is happening.
We just need a way to turn on the right switches and harness the body’s ability to heal spontaneously. Energetic approaches work quickly. This is the medicine of the future.”
– James Oschman, Ph. D. Biophysicist
Welcome to seeing healthcare in a whole new light.
Use your body’s inner ability to flip the switch and heal yourself!
Last but not least I strongly believe in prevention. I believe in promoting and maintaining good health through education, better self-awareness and healthy life style choices.
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.“
–Benjamin Franklin
I couldn’t agree more!
Regina Taschler

In 1998 I resigned from my teaching position at a vocational school, packed up my belongings and moved to Canada with my husband. A dream became true!
I had always been interested in natural and complementary health care. This change of lifestyle was my opportunity to get me started down that path. At the time we were operating a guest ranch. For me, studying natural healing systems was the perfect means to take care of my animals. Soon what started out as an interest turned into a passion and from there into the beginning of an amazing new career.
I am an Advanced Certified BodyTalk/Parama BodyTalk Practitioner (AdvCBP/ParBP), a licensed HelioSol Practitioner (HSP) and a certified Qigong instructor. I have studied Chinese medicine through the International BodyTalk Association (IBA) within the curriculum of the BodyTalk system and with Dr. Janice Walton-Hadlock, DAOM (Doctorate of Accupuncture and Oriental Medicine) and am a graduate of the ‘Barefoot Doctors 21st Century Holistic Health program’. I am also a Reiki Master.
I started seeing clients in 2008, first at my home and since 2012 at my clinic in Nipawin, “Infinite Health”. I feel honoured to help people – old and young alike – to reach their health goals, to empower themselves and to live more fulfilled and happy lives.
I look forward to continuing my training to always serve my clients in the best way I can.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Yours in health,
Get In Touch
233 Centre St., Nipawin, SK S0E 1E0
1 306 276 8880 (call or text)