holistic health solutions

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Optimize Your Health Today!

All sessions available in person or at a distance!

More than ever it is vital to keep our immune systems strong and properly manage our stresses.

To learn more about distance sessions please click here.

Don’t Settle For Less

Optimize Your Health Goals and Objectives

Our world of toxins, contamination of air, water and food, electromagnetic pollution and stress have created a state of overwhelm in the body. As a result, the body’s natural ability to cleanse and regenerate is affected.

A symptom is the last stage of imbalance – the body is calling out for help – it needs to be heard!

Understanding your body’s communication mechanisms is an important skill that is often underdeveloped. One of your body’s last resorts for getting your attention is to create pain and illness.

The mind is a powerful instrument. Every thought, every emotion that you create changes the very chemistry of your body.
                                             – Sadhguru

Take Charge

Your Treatments Aligned To Your Body’s Needs

Every session is specifically tailored to a person’s needs. No two sessions are ever the same. Even though two people may experience the same symptoms, e.g. migraine, the reasons can be completely different. Finding out the causes and releasing those stress factors is what a session is all about. Once the triggers/stressors are gone the body has no need to show the symptoms any longer and health will be restored. Find out which areas are a priority for you, in order to address the underlying factors that cause your dis-function and dis-ease. 

  • Totally safe
  • Non-invasive
  • Objective in application
  • Works effectively


What We Can Do For You

As my client you play an important role in the healing process. I can assist, support and guide you but only you can heal yourself. As such we work together as a team. We find and release the underlying factors that cause your symptoms, this will help you gain insight and a better understanding of what is going on giving you then the choice of taking charge of your health again and making the changes and adjustments needed to achieve your goals in health and life.

 All sessions – BodyTalk, VMLD, HelioSol – can be done remotely or in person. 


BodyTalk is based on the principle that the body is capable of healing itself on all levels.


The HelioSol System (HSS) is a powerful, consciousness-based health care system.


The Veltheim Method of Lymphatic Drainage (VMLD) is a highly effective approach to encouraging healthy functioning of the lymphatic system.

Qi Gong

Qigong is a unique ancient Chinese exercise and healing system that allows you to enhance health, prevent illness, release stress and nourish and strengthen the organs and the immune system.

Regina Taschler

 AdvCBP/ParBP, licensed HSP, TCMP, Certified Qigong Instructor

I Believe

True healing can only happen if the meaning and causative factors that lie behind a disease or symptom are addressed. Two people may show the same symptom, e.g. migraine, back pain etc. but the causes can be completely different. It is therefore important to find the underlying factors, address them with an individualized protocol, specifically tailored to a person’s needs contrary to the ‘one-fits-all’ principle.

From Clients

Make Your Own Opinion


I have been seeing Regina for over two years, and I am always excited for our Body Talk sessions.  A friend had recommended Regina to me, and she and I ‘clicked’ immediately.  Regina does not judge, and she often has a unique way of shifting my perspective by encouraging me to look at a variety of situations from a different lens.

We usually begin the session with a debriefing about how I have felt since our last visit.  Regina is charismatic, and she exudes a positive energy every time we meet.  Once we have finished our initial conversation, Regina helps me to feel comfortable and relaxed while lying down and determining an intention for the session.  Regina always has the client’s best interests at heart, and she will ask if I would like her to continue the session quietly or share further explanations throughout.  My Body Talk sessions usually last about an hour, and when they are finished, I always feel rejuvenated and relaxed.  I have made Body Talk a priority in my life, and I have seen many improvements in my levels of stress, anxiety, and irritability.  I am always relieved to know that there are alternative and holistic ways of healing that are safe and healthy.

When friends or family ask what Regina does during our Body Talk sessions, I tell them that I cannot explain how everything works, but that I just love it, and they need to experience it for themselves!  Thank you, Regina, for all that you do, and I look forward to many more Body Talk experiences together!




Regina is a loving, caring, compassionate and intuitive person, making her outstanding as a BodyTalk practitioner. She is well studied and extremely knowledgeable and able to incorporate that knowledge into a BodyTalk session achieving some very profound results.

I have witnessed many positive changes within myself through BodyTalk, both physical and emotional.

Two things in specific that I have lived with my whole life were suddenly no longer an issue.
One was the end to a lifetime of nail biting. The desire just left and five years later is still gone. I now have the nice nails I have always dreamed of.
The other was a debilitating fear of thunderstorms that just disappeared. To the point that I now enjoy watching the lightening and marveling at the majesty of it.

I look forward to each session, as I know I will leave feeling far better, on multiple levels, than when I arrived.



BodyTalk sessions for me have been the most effective holistic approach to recognizing root causes and overcoming some issues.

Regina is highly qualified and been so supportive in helping me through a goal of improved health and well-being.

I most certainly recommend booking a session to explore all the healing options Regina can offer with her training and expertise. I have had both in person and distance sessions and will continue both in the future. My first session with Regina was back in 2013, I have continued trusting Regina to guide me through healing and releasing so far till now, this year (2024). Still even after all these years sometimes when the session starts and Regina gets permission from my body, my body tells her is priority to work on and later on after my concerns are addressed. Example: I tell Regina my only concern is my lower back pain but my body tells her my heart channel to other organs is the priority before addressing the concern of the back pain.

She has also helped me with my grieving for a loved one who had such an impression on my whole being.



Regina helped me with a goal of finding myself again. I lost myself and was looking to be myself again.

I had a lot of releasing of hurts and disappointments and loss of family members.

My mental health is much stronger as well.

I feel physically stronger.

She is helping me to accept whatever is on my life path and how to overcome it.



I came to Regina on the recommendation by my auntie as she mentioned how Body Talk had helped her.  So I looked into it further.  I booked my first appointment with her and haven’t looked back since.  What amazed me was how spot on my auntie was about Regina!

I was surprised to say the least, the actual treatment is very relaxing & comfortable.  It was only after it finished that I felt like a dark cloud had lifted off of me.  It was like a  “veil” had been  removed that had been covering my eyes, because everything looked brighter and more colorful.  I didn’t expect that and as a bonus, I felt “happier” then I have done so, for a long time.

So I booked a package with Regina because I knew this wasn’t going to be a one time visit.

As we went deeper into the sessions, I felt more trusting in Body Talk & Regina, the sessions brought out issues that I had stored away from various upsets and hurts in my past.  What was lovely was having a “safe space” to allow it out without having to experience it again.

Body Talk also took the onus away from me as it was literally my body saying what it needed and not what I thought it needed which was very freeing because it meant I could relax fully and just trust the process.  I wish I had known about Body Talk and Regina decades ago because just after a few sessions with Regina, it released years and years of “baggage” that I didn’t even know I had been carrying.

I can’t recommend Regina and Body Talk highly enough.  She has a natural way about her but don’t’ let that fool you to how powerful this therapy really is and how effective it is and how deeply it has impacted my life.   I finally am able to let go of old patterns of behavior that were hindering me.

Thank you so much Regina!!


Testimonial: BodyTalk Participation


BodyTalk has had a profound effect on my emotional, mental and physical wellbeing and have grown to rely on it’s influence on the psychology of body to maintain optimum health.  Will honestly admit I was hooked after my first session as it was amazing how my body communicated with Regina and I walked away feeling “lighter and refreshed”.

Day in, day out, our bodies are subjected to whatever life throws our way {stress, trauma, grief, etc.} which then affects our internal systems and functioning.  Allow yourself, or animals a relaxing, unique whole body healing opportunity to enhance your health with Regina who has an abundance of training and useful skill sets.  BodyTalk has become a priority in my life for many years! 



The morning after my first treatment, I woke up with a smile on my face. I was singing while I got ready to go to work. I was impressed. I didn’t think the session had changed anything. What a surprise! I hadn’t had a rejuvenating sleep for many weeks. I would wake up after 8 hours of sleep and feel as exhausted as when I had gone to bed. Needless to say, I was hooked. I couldn’t wait to tell everyone I saw about BodyTalk and Regina.

After my third treatment, my daughter phoned. After I said “hello”, she immediately asked me what I had been doing and where could she get some. I didn’t understand. Once she explained that it was the first time in her life that she had heard such peace in my voice, I knew what she wanted to know. I told my daughter about Regina’s BodyTalk sessions and booked her an appointment for the next time she came home. (My daughter is now a BodyTalk Practitioner. I guess she was impressed, too!)

My experience with these treatments over the last twelve years has been nothing short of amazing. Dealing with the aftermath of cancer surgery, chemo and radiation therapy as well as five years of Tamoxifen therapy had left my body with very little energy and unable to heal itself. Every treatment improved something. I remember my husband commenting on the changes he would notice after every session. Sometimes, it would be a noticeable physical healing taking place and sometimes, it would just be a brighter smile on my face because of some psychological issue that had been resolved.

I have come to realize that my body, mind and spirit, know exactly what is required for optimum quality of life, from healing broken bones to healing a broken heart. All I need to do is listen to it. Regina listens a whole lot better than I do so I trust her to hear what I hide from so that I can be the healthiest and happiest person I can be.

I can’t imagine anyone not benefitting from a treatment (even if they don’t notice it).

Thank you, Regina.



I am a long time patient of Regina and in all honesty I believe she was able to save my life during a very confusing and painful part of my journey.  Not only does she have the uncanny ability/knowledge to uncover sensitive memories and clear them, she was able to keep all my meridians flowing freely preventing further damage to my joints and organs. Her wise, gentle, kind, nurturing care is something not found often and all of her patients are blessed to have her close by as she is available for distance sessions as well.  Her well rounded education and her intuition give her an upper hand in her chosen field. It was definitely the wisest choice I’ve made with regard to my health care regimen.

Thanks Regina!!



BodyTalk Testimonial

I have been attending BodyTalk sessions with Regina for approximately 10 years.  Through those appointments, follow-ups and regular commitment to the Access program at home, I have been able to maintain good health and a healthy lifestyle.  I believe that we have the ability to draw on our innate wisdom to influence what happens in our bodies.  With Regina’s help, BodyTalk has helped me to shift my consciousness energy.  This enables my body to perceive and influence – in a healing way – what is happening in my life and in the world.  Our cells are listening! 



“I have seen Regina for quite some time now. After each session, I feel so good. I feel better about myself and more relaxed. Who would have thought the body had the ability to store feelings and emotions that you thought have long passed.”  



I came to BodyTalk by chance.

I booked my first appointment with Regina, but was skeptical as to how BodyTalk would really work but open to trying it.

All I did was relax on the massage table while Regina silently asked my body questions and received answers. During the session Regina paid careful attention to what my body was “telling” her, and she continuously communicated its priorities to me. She received an amazingly accurate picture of the state of my body and mind, which was immediately stimulated to begin healing itself. Throughout the sessions I felt calm and very trusting in the process.

Now, after 6 sessions I am completely free of severe arthritis pain and dizziness, that lasted for several months!!!!

I am so happy and thankful to Regina for her help. I really recommend this method (so gentle).



Get In Touch

9 + 15 =

233 Centre St., Nipawin, SK S0E 1E0
1 306 276 8880 (call or text)